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High speed boat for interception patrol and coast guard. Moggaro designs patrol boats adapting to the needs of customers.  Surveillance boats, coastal surveillance aluminium patrol boats. Designed for combating smuggling and drug trafficking. We specialize in high-speed aluminum boats for use as patrol boats.


  • Hull Length

    12 m

  • L.O.A.

    13,1 m

  • Beam

    3,4 m

  • Passengers Homologation

    Homologation CE for 12 pax B Category Design

  • Motorization

    2 x Volvo D6 400 DPH Aquamatic

  • Speed test

    Max speed 48.5 kt with 3 pax and G8 propellers.
    Max speed 45.7 with 5 pax and 1000 litres fuel.
    Cruising speed 35 Kt at 75% of the power (2.700 rpm).

  • Fuel tanks

    1 x 1.000 literss

  • Equipment and Options

    Water tank 500 liters.
    Water heater.
    65 Liter Refrigerator
    110-liter freezer
    2 x 16,000 BTU air conditioning equipment..
    24V electrical panel, 12V and 24V battery chargers, 110V and 220V current.
    2 or 4 beds in cabin.
    Others: spotlights, radar, VHF, Radiotelephone, Deep Sounder..


This boat can be modified to become a high-speed recreational speedboat. At Moggaro Aluminum Yachts we offer the possibility of creating your customized aluminum boat based on the needs of each client.

