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Moggaro 800 J Custom Boat

Custom designed for a client, the M800J is a boat with its own style that makes it different from other boats in its length. Wide and spacious, it has a cabin under the solarium with enough space for 2 people and a stowage area. The V-shaped hull and the aluminum hull transmit unbeatable sensations sailing especially in rough seas


  • Hull Length

    7,94 m

  • L.O.A.

    9,1 m

  • Beam

    2,85 m

  • Passengers Homologation

    CE homologation for 12 pax

  • Motorization

    Outboard. Max power 300 HP

  • Speed test

    Speed 33 Kt with 3 pax and Yamaha 300 HP

    Cruising speed 21 Kt at 70% of the power (4.000 rpm)

  • Fuel tanks

    1 x 270 liters


Our experience in the design and manufacture of aluminum boats allows us to offer customized boats, fully customizable and adaptable to the needs of the area and the required use.


